How do I view the Everserve log file?

The Everserve application has several logging features that record information about Everserve activities and other related information written to a file system log in the server directory. There is package auditing information, Everserve process details and a server log containing output from the JVM running behind the scenes. This document will review processes for managing and viewing the log information recorded in the everserve.log file of every Everserve system's server directory.

As part of regular Everserve maintenance it is probably a good idea to look at the server log output on each peer of the community from time to time. The information found in the everserve.log file is output from the Java Virtual Machine executing the Everserve program. What follows is a package that will output the contents of the everserve.log file. You can search the text that is found in the receipt for words such as "exception" and "failure" for errors that occurred while running Everserve.

In a Windows environment:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="log" delta="false" version="false" >
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="type everserve.log" />

Unix environment:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="log" delta="false" version="false" >
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="cat everserve.log" />

Regular everserve.log maintenance

Everserve creates a new everserve.log file when it starts up. Any pre-existing log entries are recorded in an archive called everserve_log.bak. Pruning log files is one aspect of regular system maintenance to handle the problem of log file growth. Since the Everserve program is running every day and writing its output to a log file, the file will need to be trimmed or refreshed from time to time. The following package uses Everserve's RestartWindows command to reboot the targets thereby restarting everserve and archiving the everserve.log file.

Windows example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="log-restart" delta="false" version="false">
<!-- this package reboots Windows systems. Alternate commands telling everserve to stop and restart are included in this comment
<command-spec commandline="AT 6:00am net stop everserve" />
<command-spec commandline="AT 6:05am net start everserve" /> -->
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="RestartWindows.exe" />
</spec-container >

Unix example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="log-restart" delta="false" version="false">
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="at 00:01 everserve stop" />
<command-spec commandline="at 00:07 everserve start"/>
</spec-container >

A second package types out the archived log data and then deletes the archive file. Note that only targets in a community will execute the contents of these packages. You may want to configure relays in a community as targets in order to perform such maintenance. The Everweb application can be used to view the community manager and publisher log files. Their logs can be pruned manually by stopping everserve, restarting the process and removing the .bak file.

Windows example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="logprune" delta="false" version="false">
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="type everserve_log.bak" />
<command-spec commandline="erase everserve_log.bak" />
</spec-container >

Unix spec:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE spec-container SYSTEM "package_spec.dtd">
<spec-container name="logprune" delta="false" version="false">
<spec-version version="1.0" earliest="1.0"/>
<command-spec commandline="cat everserve_log.bak" />
<command-spec commandline="rm everserve_log.bak" />
</spec-container >

Download zipped package xml files for Windows